Triple Green boiler systems are applicable under this new investment program. Fill out the form below to learn how you can dramatically reduce your heating costs, and access government aid for our systems.

How You Benefit From The PEFIP Program

The program supports on-farm investments in:

  • increasing efficiency or productivity
  • improving on-farm food safety and biosecurity
  • improving environmental sustainability
  • responding to consumer preferences (improving animal welfare, adopting alternative housing systems, transitioning to organic production, etc.)

Examples of eligible activities include:

  • Hiring of external expertise (consultants) to assess how the poultry and/or egg farm enterprise can improve efficiencies and productivity
  • Construction of new barns, expansion of existing barns, and/or building retrofits
  • Purchasing, shipping, and installing new equipment (including commercial-off-the-shelf software and IT infrastructure)
  • Training related to other eligible project activities

To be eligible, applicants must:

  • be an individual and/or legal entity capable of entering into legally binding agreements/contracts
  • have held quota/shares of provincial production on January 1, 2021
  • be one of the following types:   
  1. Poultry and/or egg producers holding quota   
  2. Poultry and/or egg producers licensed, or equivalent, by a provincial marketing agency   
  3. Atlantic Canada Hatching Egg Producers   
  4. Poultry and/or egg producers under new entrant programs with loaned quota and/or whole-farm leases with loaned quota at the time of the calculation

The term ‘poultry and/or egg producers’ includes Canadian:

  • chicken producers
  • turkey producers
  • turkey breeders
  • egg producers
  • broiler hatching egg producers